Bubala, Mumi & Max

Friday, February 27, 2009

Contemplating Existence...


Everything exists at the same exact time. While I am typing this right now, you were somewhere else doing something else at the same exact time. And now, you are here reading this while I am somewhere else doing something else at the same exact time.

Everything is happening now. Only the now never stays the same. So, even though we were just each doing something different at exactly the same time, we are now both doing something else. Each of us in our own separate spaces, existing and interacting with space and time at the exact same moment. Influencing our environments in sometimes significant and other times insignificant ways.

Now, this all feeds into a recurring thought of mine. A belief that there is not only one world. In fact, as many people as there are in this world, that is how many worlds there are as well. There is my world which is not the same as your world which is not the same as anyone else's world. If there are six billion, three hundred seventy-five million, four hundred twenty-nine thousand, two hundred forty-three people in the world, then there are also six billion, three hundred seventy-five million, four hundred twenty-nine thousand, two hundred forty-three different and distinct worlds.

Even with all those different worlds, however, we are all completely alone at the same exact time that we are all together. Existing in our solitary spaces, manipulating the props around us. Affecting the Universe in our tiny little way. Spinning around in our orbits. Sometimes in bigger circles. Sometimes in smaller circles. Sometimes even in overlapping circles, but always in circles. Always chasing our tails. Always trying to get ahead of ourselves. Always trying to be the first in line. Always trying to get the last doughnut. Always feeling empty. Always feeling alone.

Always existing and, sometimes, even contemplating why?


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