An Evening With Papa Bear

So, on Sunday evening, Bubala and I trekked up to Philly to the World Cafe Live for the Bob Mould concert and DVD screening. We had missed the DC show, because we had another show to go to by another band in another city. So, we made plans to catch Bob in Pennsylvania instead. Although we didn't make up our minds until the New Hope show already sold out. No big deal though. The Philly show was closer anyway, so we made plans to attend that one.
The show was divided into three parts: the Q & A part, the live set and the DVD screening. The guy who asked Bob the questions during the Q & A session had done his homework. He asked questions ranging from how Bob got involved with writing for the WWF and how he came to compose The Daily Show theme to questions like will there ever be a Hüsker Dü or Sugar reunion (that would be a NO) and how Bob feels about so many newer bands making it bigger than he has playing the kind of music that he helped to cultivate. Bob seems very humble about the bridge that he helped to build and genuinely happy for all of those bands who have successfully crossed that bridge.
At one point, the interviewer asked if Bob felt like a Papa Bear to all these younger musicians Which made quite a few of us including Bob giggle a bit. That's how I think I will look at him from now on. As the cuddly Papa Bear instead of as the guy you kind of feel slightly afraid of because he just screamed a self exorcism right before your eyes, floored his distortion pedal, turned his guitar around towards his amp to make it feedback like mad and then walked off stage and left it there humming awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. (And I was completely enthralled by every second of it, by the way.)
On to the live set. After the Q & A ended, Bob came back onstage and played a set of about 13 songs ranging from the older Hüsker classics to a few brand new songs. One of the songs is from his soon to be released album entitled "District Line" due out on 2/5/08. Another was an even newer song that Bob said he hopes to put out on another new album in 2009.

One of the things that has always inspired me about Bob's music is how prolific he has been along his musical journey. He mentioned in the Q & A session that he tries to write something every day. That just seems so healthy for your creative self. I suggest that we all learn from Papa Bear and try to apply that kind of discipline to our own creative endeavours. I know that I will, and that's why I follow Bob.
Here is the set list from the show:
Wishing Well
Hear Me Calling
Hoover Damn
See A Light Light
No Reservations
Hardly Getting Over It
Again And Again (From District Line)
I'm Sorry Baby, You Can't Stand In My Light Anymore (new for 2009)
Lonely Afternoon
I Apologize
Celebrated Summer
After the live set was over, the DVD screening started. We watched a few songs, but Bob had said that he would be out in the lobby selling DVDs and I wanted to get another copy and have him sign it because I am a pathetic fan boy* and that's what I do. We hadn't seen Bob in person since the August Blowoff, so we also wanted to say hi and show him that we still do care enough to come out and support his work even though we're old and can't stay up as late as we used to be able to. He actually seemed surprised to see us and he joked with me about wanting to buy another copy of the DVD just because I was on the cover. He signed it with an arrow pointing to my smiling mug.
Then, it was time for the obligatory photo to prove that I was actually really there standing next to Bob Mould. Just in case any one of you doesn't believe me. I think we both actually look pretty good together, all bearded up like that. I think I will call this photo "Bubala? Bubala who?"

Then, I got a big ol' Papa Bear hug. Bob really does give great hugs, you know. Bubala got a hug too. After that, we were on our way back home. It was a work night, after all. And, we felt a little funny about seeing ourselves in the DVD on a big screen with a bunch of other people around. It almost seemed a little perverted.
Why did I have to have another copy the Circle Of friends DVD autographed by Bob? Well, when you've followed some one's musical career for half of your life and then, all of a sudden, you show up on the cover of his new DVD, it tends to mean a lot to you. After all, he could have very easily said, "Wait a minute! I recognize that crazy Bald Monkey on the cover right there. You guys in the art department better airbrush his face off of my DVD. Otherwise, he will be coming up to me later and buying extra copies of the DVD and wanting me to sign them for him." I'm glad he left it on there though. Same with the other picture on the inside cover. The one where Bubala looks like he's bored. (It was like 12 midnight on a work night when that show started!) After attending all of the shows and after growing up with Bob's music, it means a lot to me.
March 23, 1987: Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC (Hüsker Dü)(Thanks to Dumbek for keeping track of the Blowoff dates that I had forgotten! Dumbek Rocks!)
October 21, 1987: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Hüsker Dü)
May 3, 1989: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (1st Bob Mould Band)
October 15, 1989: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (1st Bob Mould Band)
July 19, 1990: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (1st Bob Mould Band)
October 30, 1990: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (1st Bob Mould Band)
March 6, 1991: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Solo)
July 15, 1992: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Sugar)
October 17, 1993: Old 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Solo)
November 17,1994: Hammerjacks, Baltimore, MD (Sugar)
March 6, 1995: Gaston Hall, Washington, DC (Solo)
October 10, 1996: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Solo)
April 9, 1997: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Solo)
September 29, 1998: Bohager's, Baltimore, MD (Dog & Pony Band)
September 30, 1998: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Dog & Pony Band)
April 16, 2002: Trocadero, Philadelphia, PA (Carnival Of Lights & Sound)
June 23, 2003: Fort Reno Park, Washington, DC (Solo)
January 21, 2005: Ramshead Tavern, Annapolis, MD (Solo)
June 11, 2005: Gay Pride, Washington, DC (Solo)
October 7, 2005: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (New Bob Mould Band)
November 25, 2005: Ramshead Tavern, Annapolis, MD (Solo)
November 29, 2005: Birchmere Music Hall, Alexandria, VA (Solo W/ Rich Morel)
February 25, 2006: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Blowoff Live Set)
March 18,2006: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Blowoff Live Set)
April 15, 2006: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Blowoff Live Set)
May 13, 2006: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC (Blowoff Live Set)
November 11, 2007: World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, PA (Solo Set and DVD Screening)
*Pathetic Fan Boy as opposed to Stalker Boy who would most likely show up at "Woof" with a stack of Hüsker vinyl and matching color Sharpies demanding personalized autographs. And then go wandering aimlessly around downtown Washington, DC looking for Bob he didn't show up.
I was wondering what happened to you guys at the DC showing. Glad you caught the Philly one.
Oh yeah - You guys rock too. :)
Hope to see you soon.
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