New York Is A Woman. Baltimore Is A Crack Head.

If I was any good at all at writing concert reviews, I would tell you how awesome she was. I would tell you that she really blew me away. I would tell you that her voice was absolutely perfect and beautiful. I would tell you that the band was so tight and sounded wonderful.
But, I am not so good at writing concert reviews, so I'll just say that the show was great and, for me at least, a completely unexpected treat. She even played my favorite Suzanne Vega song. And my second favorite Suzanne Vega song.
Oh yeah, let me tell you about the title of this blog post. As Suzanne was introducing one of her new songs called 'New York Is A Woman,' she was talking about how she wasn't sure if Baltimore was a man or a woman. So, she asked the crowd what we thought. Some Spandex-clad, halter top wearing, big 80's haired chick in the crowd hollered out, "Baltimore is a crack head!" Sometimes, I am so proud of Bawl'mer, hun!
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