They Say It's Always Better The Second Time Around...
Bob told the crowd that the 12-string acoustic that had given him troubles in Annapolis was very ill, and after 15 years, this might be it’s last show. (R.I.P.?) From where I was, it sounded like it behaved itself. (You just has to keep talking nicely to it...)
6 songs into the set, he brought out Amy Domingues who played cello on a block of “Workbook” songs. This is the point in the show where I almost lost it. I felt it creeping up on me somewhere during “Eternally Friend”, but during “Poison Years” and “Brasilia” my eyes were watering up, and I got these waves of emotion in the pit of my stomach. (Dude... butch it up, there are some hot men around!)
After the “WB” songs, Bob brought out Rich Morel to join him on keyboard, and Bob switched to the electric guitar. Then, the three of them treated us to the live debut of “Days Of Rain.” Amy then left the stage, and Bob and Morel debuted “Lowdown Ground.” Next, they continued playing through a block of mostly “Body Of Song” songs. Then, Morel left and Bob finished up with several more old favorites.
This was one emotional ride of a show, and I could tell that Bob was drained, but he still was nice enough to sign my poster and chat for a few minutes after the show. He’s the best! I feel really lucky having seen the DC Pride show, that incredible 9:30 Club show, and now this one. Having been a fan for so long, it’s nice to have Bob call this place home.
Please don’t move the thumbtack Bob!
Here is the set list:
Wishing Well
Hear Me Calling
Needle Hits E
Can’t Fight It
Hardly Getting Over It
Eternally Fried
See A Little Light *
Poison Years *
Sins And Their Repentances *
Brasilia Crossed with Trenton *
Days Of Rain * #
Lowdown Ground #
Hoover Damn #
High Fidelity #
Circles #
Beating Heart The Prize #
I Apologize
My Favorite Thing
Celebrated Summer
If I Can’t Change Your Mind
Makes No Sense At All
* - Amy Domingues on cello
# - Rich Morel on keyboard