The Who The Who played a concert in D.C. for my Birthday. We went to that concert since they were playing for me, after all. The handsome couple known as
Dinger and
Dumbek were also at the concert. It was Dinger's birthday too. (He must be younger than me, because he certainly looks like it.) The Who played a concert in D.C. for Dinger's Birthday too. That Who, they sure are a bunch of super nice guys. They even played Happy Birthday... I mean 'My Generation' for us and everything. I'm convinced that Pete Townshend is the second coming and I would certainly trust his words over the first Messiah's words because Pete's words have wonderful music behind them that rocks and makes you want to dance. I decided that 'Baba O'Reily' is my favorite dance song. In fact, I think that
Bob and
Rich should start playing it at
The Birthday PresentsBubala is all about the presents. He always has been. Ever since I've known him, he digs the surprises. This year, I got all kinds of
Curious George surprises. Hug and Glow Curious George, Poseable Curious George, Bubble Blowing Curious George and the four new, small Curious George bean bag plushes. I also got a few Curious George party favors. I love Curious George. I think that he is the second coming, and I would trust his words over the first Messiah's words because Curious George doesn't talk and nobody likes a blabber mouth Messiah.
I also received gift bag that contained a Hershey bar, a police car and a date book. In the date book, on the date of July 20, 2007, the following words were written: "Eclectic Porno - 7:30 PM."
I thought to myself, "Hmmmmmm... is that the date of the great summer blogger Man orgy that everyone is always invited to except me?" No, maybe not. Perhaps Dean Coulter is coming out of retirement to do a new XXX sex performance for me and also to piss off his sister, Ann? Eh, uh uh.
Eclectic Porno must be an anagram for something... Since I'm dumb, Bubala helped me.
Let me see... A Hershey bar? Knowing Buabla like I do, that probably means Hersheypark. But the police car and Eclectic Porno? Hmmmm... Let's see...
Aha! I'm sending out an SOS, because we are all just spirits in the material world. So, don't stand so close to me because every breath you take and every little thing she does is magic. It's another suburban family morning. Grandmothers screaming at Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light because giant steps are what you take while walking on the moon, but there has to be an invisible sun and there's a little black spot on the sun today. But, many miles away, there's a shadow on the door of a cottage on the shore on a dark Scottish lake.
Yep! Eclectic Porno is an anagram for Police Concert! 17th row on the floor! Is there any question about why I love Bubala so much? He rocks!
The GymSo, we joined a new gym. In fact, it is a brand new gym. Just opened. I like it quite a lot. I have lots of energy most of the time, so it's a good place for me. I already feel really comfortable there. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised at all if I became a regular gym monkey. I'll probably be there a lot. I may have to find myself a workout buddy, other than the husband, because he doesn't want to do the heavy stuff. Now, who wouldn't want to be able to say that their gym partner's a monkey?
I am also liking the sights at the gym. I'll take Glen Burnie guys in workout clothes over leather daddy bears any day. I am and always have been very comfortable in workout apparel. I wear the stuff all of the time. In fact, this would be a great opportunity for me to go out and buy a whole new athletic wardrobe. Then, I could pull off a Cher-like costume change at least three times a day. Oh yeah, I guess I should work out and get a hot body first and then worry about the clothes. Right?